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2009 Nationals Prize Winners, Millerized Pegs



OK folks....I know you're out there. There are 2 of you out there, and while you might be trying to ignore me, it ain't gonna work ;) 2 sets of pegs were given away during the banquet, and no-one has claimed them yet. Do you know of these people? Do you know who they are? I'd like to get them their prizes, but I have no idea who they are. If someone took notes, and can contact them, please do. If you're embarrassed that you won them, contact me at millerized@millerized.com (or PM me here) and we'll keep it quiet. Then you can sell them for a tidy profit with no one knowing. Anyway, let me know. I'd love to get you "millerized"! http://millerized.com/pegs I'll be in the garage
COG 6425, CDA 111 a through g
Rally master John Carver to the white courtesy phone... -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
John's here, but not with any info of great notice. The numbers were being drawn so fast I did good to keep up with the them, let alone what the prize was. Add to that the snafu with a un-secured registration site and I ended up with a major headache. Still trying to sort it out and not making much headway. This is one time the 'plan' didn't work, neither did the 'backup plan'. In the future I'd suggest registration be in a site that can be secured, no if's, no but's, just do it. The alternative, pre-registration only. Now to all opposed, this is your time to ring in. I have a box of prizes and the winning ticket that was drawn for it. I have managed to track down the name of the winner, but have yet to even look to even see what the prize is nor find the address of the winner. All will be done in time, but I also have a couple of other issues to deal with. Seems the resort has numerous shipping addresses, thus not all the packages made it to us in time. To be exact, we had 10+ packages that we are still trying to deal with. I won't even start into the details of this, but it is still a situation that we are dealing with daily. This was not a problem we envisioned, nor did the resort. Seems the problem boils down to the individual delivery person. To give you some idea and as an example, James, who let's say works for UPS, has only delivered to the 'administration building' at the resort, so he takes all his items to that address even though it may state elsewhere. Well, the people I was working with have no idea that packages were being delivered to that site, nor did we, so they got over-looked, set back, and un-noticed. That is until we started asking. Even then it was after the rally was over before some progress was made. We gave a mailing address and a shipping address to everyone we contacted. The items that were delivered to those specified sites were on-hand. Well all but one and I won't go into detail as that saga continues. But in time I will get the prizes for those not in attendence shipped to them. Now I have an idea this may be the only time this will be done as it is a major headache from several viewpoints. So what am I suggesting; 1 - be sure to attend the banquet as you will have to be present to win anything, 2 - Yes, I am in favor of pre-registration ONLY for major events. In closing, I see the event as a success, in spite of all the items that are less than desired. Would I do it again, yes, but with some changes. Thus it is hoped that we can continue to progress and make things better. COG continues to make progress and it is done with one thing, 'volunteer help', so when are you going to volunteer and help? It does not take a lot of effort and the rewards, well, you won't believe it, but it is very good! Go visit your local dealer and give him an introduction to COG-ONLINE.ORG. Do it this week. tcars John
I got one! Gentlemen by the name of Steve Cook from Loveland CO! COME ON DOWN!!! I'm waiting for him to see if any of the other colors tickle his fancy, but we'll be shipping them out post haste! One down, one to go, another town and one more show.... http://millerized.com/pegs I'll be in the garage
COG 6425, CDA 111 a through g
Steve is good peeps. Treat him well. I assume you got contact info. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
Yessir. Black with chrome ends. They'll be shipping Monday. Now if we could just find that other person.....I could get back to makin money :) http://millerized.com/pegs I'll be in the garage
COG 6425, CDA 111 a through g
Anyone else? http://millerized.com/pegs I'll be in the garage
COG 6425, CDA 111 a through g
Maybe a query could be printed in the next Concourier... if no one comes forward I know of a fall COG rally in PA... ;) -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.