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2012 C14 - Seized Rear Shock Preload Adjuster


Street Cruiser
- anyone else having issues like this ?

- on the UK forum , some owners have gone through 3-4 units in a couple of months of ownership.

- will be over to the dealer today and report more later.


Yes, they all like to get tight and bind. I've found the easiest way to fix them it so use some good spray lubricant and spray it up under the knob and turn it back and forth a few times. That usually frees it up.

But whatever you do, DO NO USE WD40.

I used Liquid Wrench Dry Lube, and it worked great.

- just got back from the dealer. They contacted Kawasaki and are replacing the entire rear shock under warranty.

Unless they changed the design, the replacement will eventually do the same thing if you don't lube it.  I tried a brand new C14 at a dealership, and the knob was real tight and nearly frozen.

All it needs is a shot of lube. Mine never did it again after I lubricated it.