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2019 rally town hall meeting


Tuesday eve.... 7/23 from 8 to 9 ( p.m.)

please be there.
this is your club. This is the only time you can stand up, and pose a question, with like minded members around you.
please, please, take this opportunity to interact, and ask questions, offer input, and get face time with our BOD. If you don't know your AD's, or have never met the people that run this club... make sure you attend.. you need to know your supporting and representative members..  It means a lot for the future of COG.  I sincerely hope this meeting can be "accommodating in time" and can cover enough to make OUR club, grow, and remain a viable and reliable venue for everything "Concours".
I can't make it to the rally this year. I there any way the hi-lites of
the discussion could be posted here?
And have a good time and be safe.