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80000 miles and finally it happened


Big Wheel
So after more than 80,000 miles on my 2010, I finally dropped it. Stopped in parking lot at fast food chain. Put down kickstand. Noticed beautiful young lady near. Did not notice extreme slope of lot. Bike down. Slide a few inches. Embarrassment did most of the lifting though. It is not what question of if a rider will drop a bike but when will they drop it. :mad:
Gotta watch that stuff... your eyes were almost on their last legs!

It's amazing how many folks put their VERY FIRST POST into this section.  Glad you managed to wait until your second post!  And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 531st recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0527 C10 Frazier Johnston
0528 C10 Catrinus Wallet
0529 C10 Doug Belling
0530 C10 Michael Molohon
0531 C10 Frank Dunlap