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almost screwed up a tire mount


Road Bike
You would think that after as many tires I've mounted I would no how. I just installed a new front tire , a PR -2 on my C-14. After installing the tire on the bike I realized I did not balance it, Damn! I took it out for a ride and no vibration at all, Life is good. West Va here I come!

Yesterday I had a couple guys (they will remain nameless) come over to change some tires.  Everything went ok, with a few funny missteps, first we took off the front tire cleaned up the rim, replaced the valve for a 90deg valve and made sure of which way the rim and tire should rotate.  When I was ready one of the guys handed me the tire to be mounted.  It went on easy no problem.  When I went to balance the tires I realized that the tire seemed odd like it was defective.  Wow I can't believe it I remounted the old tire.

After all that it all turned out alright and now I have a new set of Angel ST's on my bike.  Took it out for a ride and took it up to 110 on a newly repaved stretch of pavement and it was smooth as glass.