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Americade lodging


Mini Bike
Anyone that has gone to Americade let me know what you did for lodging. One of my friends wants to go this year but says that there aren't any commercial hotels close by and @ this late of a date the "rental cottages" are ~ $125 > per night. Anyone know of any other options?
Camping and mosquito's are your only options this close to the date. Best time to make reservations is the day after the beginning of last years event. Good thing to do, tho, is call around to the locsl places and see if you can get your name on a waiting list. With the economy in 'da crapper, I'm sure there will be a bunch of no-shows. Make sure to add your mobile contact info so they can get in touch with you quickly if something comes available. Camped both times I was up there, got eaten alive, but had an OK time. Too many cruisers and trailer queens, less and less baggers with actual miles on them...which was what it was originally about. Pack your ear plugs and bug spray, get out and away from town when you don't absolutely need to be there. Way too many roads to be ridden, and none of them are along or even off main street. http://www.millerized.com I'll be in the garage
COG 6425, CDA 111 a through g