Brady said:I was wondering if a ride was planned for a Sunday afternoon if there are any Portland riders that would be interested? Im just taking a temperature gauge. I am also wondering how may Portland riders are out there?
Udoggie said:I'm in Aloha, and depending on the time I might be interested.
Gotta take advantage of the good weather while we still have it!
Brady said:I partially just want to get an idea of how many PDX riders there are. In the past 2 years that I have been a member of COG I have seen very few portland based rides.
Cwo2mustang said:Hey Charlie, How do you report of active members. I looked in members search but I don't see how to do that. I was wondering how many people are in teh Charleston, SC area.
Steve Mustoe said:ZG,
I am in Eugene, should your daughter need any emergency assistance she can get in touch with me. Both my wife (UO undergraduate, now CFO at the Duck Store) and I (UO graduate degree) are always there for ducklings
I am having a tech session the 13th of this month, a chance to ride down the slab, touch base with your daughter, and do some tweaking on your Connie. If nothing else it's a time to eat donuts and pizza, check out other folks' farkles, kick tires, and swap lies. Oh yeah, we actually get a bit of wrenching done,
Soon to be Ex-AAD for Oregon
DamDan said:OK, I guess it's official now and now that I am AAD for Oregon, I'll be planning and hosting a ride EVERY month next year. My basic plan is to pick a specific Saturday each month and switch back and forth between meeting for breakfast prior to ride departures on the East side of metro Portland and the West side of metro Portland. East side on even months (Feb., April, June, etc) and West side on odd months. After breakfast, departure will be about 0930 and the rides will vary from 4-6 hours with a lunch break during most. I'll make up six rides to be repeated starting in July. Maybe the opposite direction as originally ridden. Any questions or comments are welcome. Watch the Forum and the events calendar for a posting of the rides. Hope to meet/ride with ALL of you sometime this coming year. :motonoises:
DamDan said:Since I don't have info on a few of you, I'll announce here, also, that I'm hosting a ride every month this year!! First one is on 26 January. Breakfast at Tom's Pancake House in Beaverton with a little later than normal departure of 1030 since it probably won't be too warm and I'm planning on just a 55 mile ride that will have us all back home about noon. Longer rides as the weather improves!! Hope to see you there!
Your new AAD.
DamDan said:Since I don't have info on a few of you, I'll announce here, also, that I'm hosting a ride every month this year!! First one is on 26 January. Breakfast at Tom's Pancake House in Beaverton with a little later than normal departure of 1030 since it probably won't be too warm and I'm planning on just a 55 mile ride that will have us all back home about noon. Longer rides as the weather improves!! Hope to see you there!
Your new AAD.