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Anyone else having problems getting a good seal at gas station air pumps?


It's weird, I've never experienced this issue on other bikes nor until I put my most recent set of tires on.

I'm having difficulty getting gas station air pumps and my CyclePump to get a good seal when attempting to add air to my tires. This is for both the front and rear tires. Gas station air pump nozzles start releasing air almost as soon as I touch the nozzle to the stem.

Is it just me or has something changed recently with gas station pumps or valve stem cores on the C14?
Never had much luck at gas stations - equipment is worn out. I fill up at home.
Sorry for the late reply.

I did end up ordering the 90 degree valve stems and having them installed. Much better. No if I can only figure out why my rear is losing about 1 PSI a day.
1PSI a day is normally caused by something lifting the bead a little.
Last time I had my rear tyre replaced I asked the guy to clean the bead before he fitted the new one.
Went from losing 1PSI per day to holding the same pressure for the last 2 months.
It only takes a little bit of grit on the bead for it to leak when under 42PSI.
i use a bike  pump , i dont like station air most will have water in the air line , dont want that in my wheel .