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Anyone try the new Helibars adjustable bar set

Bob, I just bought a pair yesterday. I am short and I do not like to lean forward on long trips, it gives me a neck ache. If they do what they say it will make my C14 a much better long distance tourer.
BackInTheSaddle said:
Travler, please give us a review after you have used them and fine tuned the fit.

If you want a quick review, click on the link provided by Capt Bob.  I've had them for a month.  They do exactly what they say they will.  If you short they'll probably be even better for you because you can adjust the height angle and pull back of the bars.  I got them because I have wide shoulders and the stock bars were killing my wrists.  If you're shying away because of the price, I don't know I guess you can wait till someone sells a used set or if they go on sale for less somewhere else.  Bottom line is that they are more comfortable than the stock bars.