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Are you riding today? Pics to prove it!

Sadly I do not have that set up yet, but I bet Jay has the checkbook to do that to his new Wing. >:D

If he rode all winter the gas savings would catch up to the cost after 15-20 years! Totally justifiable  :rotflmao:

I got a chance to ride one of those tracked things. Slow enough to get
the feel and it rattles your teeth out. Faster and it's colder. In deep powdery
snow I could not see the front ski and hit something.Connie is staying
in the garage till white stuff is gone and it warms up. 9 all day today.
RWulf said:
I got a chance to ride one of those tracked things. Slow enough to get
the feel and it rattles your teeth out. Faster and it's colder. In deep powdery
snow I could not see the front ski and hit something.Connie is staying
in the garage till white stuff is gone and it warms up. 9 all day today.

First ride report I've ever heard about one of those. I'm sure I would freeze - anything under 45* seems like a practical joke to me 😱
I was thinking of riding today, but I think its going to be too warm. Expected to be in the mid 8o's... again.
Sailor_chic said:
I was thinking of riding today, but I think its going to be too warm. Expected to be in the mid 8o's... again.

I did ride, mid eighties felt good. No pic, so ha ha.
Took the hack out around the block today just to make sure I could make it go for our annual January 1st ride. Temperature was 8 degrees below zero F.  It was cold but the bike worked OK.  Interesting ride on slippery roads turning left is quite a challenge.  Spring can not come soon enough. A few more years and the plan is to follow the warm temperatures South until then we will just suck it up.