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Audio vox cruise control instructions


Big Wheel
a few years ago a gentleman had instructions on how he set up his cruise control. Can anyone direct me to that thread, or....if you have the member's name, forward it please. You can send it to calinphotography@aol.com thanks Bob
Maybe this will help. C10 http://murphskits.com/catalog/docs/audiovox/index.htm C14 http://www.murphskits.com/catalog/docs/c14cc-install.htm Bionic Bob COG & AMA member First C14 CDA member #0220 2008 C14 & 2003 Mean Streak
Thanks! But, I have the original instructions, plus what Murph has, but a guy wrote up the how to's that actually were adapted for the Connie. I'll keep searching.
Are you sure it's on this forum? It could have been on one of the other forums. If you haven't already, you could widen your search to the other two forums. Maybe it will yield what your looking for. Bionic Bob COG & AMA member First C14 CDA member #0220 2008 C14 & 2003 Mean Streak
but a guy wrote up the how to's that actually were adapted for the Connie. I'll keep searching.
http://www.ldrider.ca/techpages/cruisecontrol.htm I think this is the one your looking for.
G.Barnes from IA was the first one to put the unit on a Concours back in 1999/2000 Maybe this will help you. http://www.fjr1300.info/howto/audiovox.html