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Aufderheide ride October 4th


Now that our three-month remodel is nearly finished, and life has more or less returned to normal, I can offer another ride. The Aufderheide is a favorite of of a lot of us, so if you've never ridden it here is your chance to do so in the friendly company of a bunch of COGers. As usual, we will start with breakfast at my house (and yes, we have a working kitchen now so Rhonda won't be slaving over a two-burner camp stove this time).

See the Calendar of Events for details. Please note that this is a Sunday ride - I have a commitment Saturday. You are welcome to ride in Saturday night, however. We have a guest room, a couch, and lots of floor space.

Sadly, our garage will likely be full of boxes, etc., though the Fall so I will not be offering a tech session until the Spring.

Hope to see a bunch of you for the ride!
Gee Steve,
you know you planned this one for opening day of deer season??  I can ride most anytime.  Game and Fish takes a dim view of deer hunting except when they say so.  Have fun, will try to catch another one.
Hi Steve,
I didn't see a registration button on the event in the calendar.  Patti and I are planning to go, but need to figure out where to camp, so we can pick up the trailer after the ride.  Are you planning to start on Hwy 58 to Westfir, and then north on FS19 to Aufderheide? 
PhoenixRefugee said:
Hi Steve,
I didn't see a registration button on the event in the calendar.  Patti and I are planning to go, but need to figure out where to camp, so we can pick up the trailer after the ride.  Are you planning to start on Hwy 58 to Westfir, and then north on FS19 to Aufderheide?

Yup, that's the route. Sorry about the missing button, I'll deal with that once I'm home and can sit down at the computer.
The button is there now. Simple - it turned out I could go in and check the box (that I should have checked in the first place) from my iPad.
Guess im just getting old and sloppy...