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Austone Taxi Tire, darkside


Mini Bike
here is my tire with 33,714 miles on it



Keep in mind this tire was patched from the inside when I ran over a large bolt about 16,000 miles ago. I ride daily so ride in rain, heat, cold, curvy, flat, solo, two up, loaded and unloaded. So far this tire ahs been great. I run it at 42 Lbs to 44 LBS but it has a max pressure of 55. I thought is was worse for wear than it is and think I can easily get 35,000 or more out of it.

here it is when new



not sure if stupid a** photobucket works or not??
Didn't show up on mine.
Would like to see it..
I understand the need to make a tire last longer. Just tried and failed a test with a Shinko (Verge II).
Destroyed the tire in under 800 miles.

I'm not going to go to the darkside, but have a question.
Does the tire cause handling issues if your pushing the turns hard?
I realize it would feel different.
Just wondering if your able to attack the turns like you could with a stock tire?

Ride safe, Ted
hard to believe but I feel no difference at all. This tire has a great profile, I ran the exact same tire on my GL1500 for a year and could not tell the difference between a MT and the CT, it handled the same but brakes better and lasts longer.

Everyone has to ride their own ride and make their own choice, the only thing I can say with any certainty about this subject that applies to every person and every bike is, you can read all you want but you wont know the difference until you ride both yourself.

I know I like it and it works great for me, the biggest reason I switched was peace of mind and cost, I have had several MT that totally surprised me in how fast they wore out. I take a look and they seem fine then go for a ride and get home or still on the road and suddenly there is a spot or two that is worn out, like I have been locking the brake and sliding the tire down the road, or skidding on it like when we were kids on our bicycles. How is it that the motorcycle tires are built so poorly that they always wear unevenly? Sorry to rant but it just pisses me off that we spend so much money on a high performance tire but it wears uneven? I would be totally fine if it left a full strip all the way around the tire with cords showing, but when only a 2 inch long patch is worn to the cords and the rest of the tire has tread still??

Anyway rant over, and back to my point MT wear uneven and have a tendency to sneak up unexpectedly and wear out way faster than they look like they should. And forget about repairing a tire if a 3/8 bolt went through it and continue to ride it another 16,000 miles!! So for me I like the idea of predictable wear, cheap cost, longevity, better braking, and great ride. Forgot the part that they soak up and soften the straight line ride on the interstate and totally ignore tar snakes and grooves.

hope that answers your question  :D
imagine that, no complaints from running on a car tire, on another thread the local experts are debating that your life may be in danger from riding on a 120 wide vs a 110 width tire.......................lol
Last question. Are you going to be at the Jennings Track day in Feb or the National in June?
Would like to see that puppy.

Ride safe, Ted
Thanks for posting. I am on the fence to load one on the stock rim. Use it for longer rides on the slab.
I know the size is posted somewhere on here.
If it works then good for you! I've read about it and to tell the truth of all the articles and words I've seen written about this subject and all the people I've talked to, almost all have reported no safety issues at all. Now, this is not to say there aren't any, it just means only the things I've seen. I think its a great idea, but I will still use bike specific tires.
Been using the 15" car passenger tire with a ZL 15" wheel on three C10's  now on the 11th year.
Tried the similar tire to the Austone on the stock wheel size: Vredesten (sp) Comtrac van/light truck tire and worked ok but think the passenger tire has more traction but limited to 25k miles.
Plenty of bashing to me personally on the former COG forum. None of naysayers tried the mod.
danodemotoman said:
Been using the 15" car passenger tire with a ZL 15" wheel on three C10's  now on the 11th year.
Tried the similar tire to the Austone on the stock wheel size: Vredesten (sp) Comtrac van/light truck tire and worked ok but think the passenger tire has more traction but limited to 25k miles.
Plenty of bashing to me personally on the former COG forum. None of naysayers tried the mod.

It's like eating SPAM, a lot of people wont do it just on principle and will never try it, but if they did they will most likely love it :rotflmao:
connie_rider said:
Last question. Are you going to be at the Jennings Track day in Feb or the National in June?
Would like to see that puppy.

Ride safe, Ted

Track day prolly not, and June is a long way out so not sure about that one yet. I may be getting a Goldwing and trailer around April and if that happens the Connie will be relegated to daily commuter only.
Well finally changed the car tire out for a new one, exact same tire. I put the first one on 7/31/2017 and rode it 36,279 miles and I replaced it on 1/19/19.

Has been a great tire and I think it still had a few thousand left in it.
While I have never run a CT on a bike and have no plans to in the foreseeable future one thing comes to mind if you ride in the rain. Since a car tire on a car has a whole lot more weight on it I would surmise that on a bike it would be far more prone to hydroplaning in standing water due to the massively increased surface area over a much narrower contact patch of a MC tire. That thought alone would be more than enough to keep me from running one. Funny, I have never seen this particular thing mentioned in all the discussions I have read about using a CT on a bike.
I ride a lot in the rain, actually right after I put the tire on I rode 85 miles in a thunderstorm and tornado warning. Had to go see my Fiance down in Hattisburg, and the weather was gonna clear by late afternnon so took the bike. Living in MS you ride in the rain all the time and lots of standing water around so I can actually speak to this with experience.

The tread is much deeper and water evacuation is excellent compared to a bike tire, even a brand new bike tire has less tread depth. I understand your thinking but you have to take in account the way a car tire works and the size of the car tire used. This is still on a motorcycle rim so its not a huge fat honkin chunk of rubber on here. It does have a larger contact patch for sure but still very skinny compared to regular car tires.

Short answer it works very well in rain and wet.
if i still lived in kansas or did lots of superslab id probably do it.  luckily, i don't.  glad it works for you, have seen a bunch of wings with a car tire on them.
Warwgn said:
danodemotoman said:
Been using the 15" car passenger tire with a ZL 15" wheel on three C10's  now on the 11th year.
Tried the similar tire to the Austone on the stock wheel size: Vredesten (sp) Comtrac van/light truck tire and worked ok but think the passenger tire has more traction but limited to 25k miles.
Plenty of bashing to me personally on the former COG forum. None of naysayers tried the mod.

It's like eating SPAM, a lot of people wont do it just on principle and will never try it, but if they did they will most likely love it :rotflmao:

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I wouldn't go so far as say "most"...

I don't mind SPAM, haven't had any in 5 years, but it was always great to toss into a packpack for any outdoor excursion...
Now, tell people what Scrapple is, and show it to them... and try to get them to eat that.... it's actually reallly good, especially with Maple Syrup on it...

I won't eat Tripe....commonly known in Italian cuisine as Trippa.. it's disgusting... but Iv'e eaten Chittlin's a zillion times as a kid... go figure....
And, again, I always carried cans of the Underwood "potted meat" (That Carl in Slingblade oh so much liked) in my backpacks... same with them Underwood "vienna sausages"... contents of both were "beef lips, beef tripe, water, spices".. at least historically that was what it said on the cans...

I guess it comes down to texture/consitancy vs. flavor and satisfaction...and cost...
:spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :beer:
and everything tastes better with Hot Sauce on it... :103: :103: :campfire:

ride safe, :motonoises: :great: :great:

.....I love SPAM, I'm having bake beans, SPAM, sausage, eggs, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, bacon, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and SPAM......
Rode a friends GL-1800 with a car tire, was surprised how normal it felt. Won't do it personally pre-apocalypse, after that all bets are off.