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Bag lock change


I'm looking to change the lock cylinders on my saddlebags, I have the new cylinders now and have already taken the lock/handle assembly off the bags. I would like to know if anyone has done this and if there's any tricks to pulling the cylinders without having to drill all the rivets out to get at the lock cylinder?
I believe a poster by the name of "locksmith" posted that with the right tool (pick) you can insert it into the lock cylinder and release it so you can slide the whole cylinder out of the lock assembly and then do the same with the new lock and simply switch them. This way you don't have to drill out the rivets. I think if you take the old and new locks into any good locksmith that they can do it for you for just a few bucks.

There is a spring loaded copper wafer at the end of the lock cylinder that prevents the cylinder from sliding out. By inserting a very thin pick into the lock, you can depress it to release it. It's the last one sticking up in this photo. As you can see from from these photos, I was able to do it to a helmet lock, which is constructed in a similar way, by releasing it from the rear of the lock. But I don't think you can get to the rear of the lock on the bag release, so you have to go in through the front key way with a pick.


Someone else recently went through this same thing, and he went to a locksmith and I think it took him about 30 seconds to do it.