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battery question


I have a gel/sealed battery that has been in the box untouched for a year if not longer. It is time to put it in the bike. Should I put a 2amp charge on it for a day or less or just stick it in the bike?

Pastor Tyler
IMO 2 amps is too much for a gel cell battery.

.25  to .5 amps is probably better for the battery and
for no longer than needed to show full charge.
Smart chargers are great, but it's probably deader than a door nail. Smart chargers don't do well with completely dead batteries, for some reason.

You might have to hit it with more than 2 amps to get it charging, but not for long. Just long enough to get it charging. Then switch to a smart charger. Once you get the smart charger charging then you can leave it on until it's fully charged.

Or, charge it just enough to start the bike, then ride the bike for a few hours. Park at the top of a hill, just in case.

Just to be clear, there is nothing wrong with using a 2 amp charger, but if you do, monitor it closely so you don't overcharge it.
The BikeMaster TruGel battery started the bike right up and after a short ride and several restarts was up to the task.

I figured that by the time I took it to the local Advance Auto to check amps I could install it and see what it would do. Temps in the 20's tonight will be the true test. Fingers crossed.

Thanks for the help.

Pastor Tyler
Ty, glad it worked out. I think I read somewhere on the interwebs that the gel cels were better at not losing a charge.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.
I bought the bike in March so I know its that old because PO had it and never installed it. No doubt the gels hold their charge.

Merry Christmas to you SteveJ.

Pastor Tyler