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be careful when wrenching on your connie

mellow yellow

Street Cruiser
hello all, since it was reasonable warm yesterday (mid fourty) figured I'd do a speedo gear change because the original had stop working before this past winter. everything was going well until I decided to lower the bike to torque the axle nut. my bike's side stand was resting on the dirt so I decided to put a piece of cement board beneath it before lowering her. after she was on the ground, I attempted to tighten the nut, and over she went. I didn't remove the bike lift yet, so that cracked the lower rt. fairing and part of the belly pan. I already have my cda #.  but if I didn't, would this qualify as a drop? after I righted the bike, I noticed that on that part of the driveway the bike was standing more vertical than usual.
mellow yellow said:
my bike's side stand was resting on the dirt so I decided to put a piece of cement board beneath it before lowering her. after she was on the ground, I attempted to tighten the nut, and over she went.

would this qualify as a drop?

Not moving forward, sidestand down, over she goes - yes, that's a Drop.

I'm really sorry this happened to you.  It almost happened to me when I was using a 3' lever to get the oil drain bolt free the first time.  I was lucky - I stopped and went and bought an impact wrench.  Sorry you hurt her, but miracles can be wrought with a little ABS glue and some patience.