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Best use of tranny


The (new to me) Connie doesn't have the same shifting rythym of my previous 800. I think a few extra ponies are making their mark. It runs smooth as silk in city driving and I can get to sixth gear and go 45 on the city boulevards all day long and not feel the first vibration. Same is true on the highway going 70. But that involves shifting before the tach slides much past 3300 RPM. When the girl gets her revs up past 4K, I find a new ride altogether underneath, and I start thinking about seatbelts as the first mod (yeah, right!). So, how am I supposed to make the best use of her gearing under the following situations: Slowing down to take a turn - do I shift back down to 2d like I used to on the 800, or is there enough torque in higher gears to just bump it down a gear or two, if at all? Stepping on it to gain maximum 0-60 - Do I shift directly from 1st to 3rd? What are your thoughts, ladies and gents?
I'm not a speed freak so I can't let you know about the max accel for 0-60 but I'll let you know my general rule of thumb for turns. It depends on how much you slow down but I find you can generally use the gear corresponding with MPH. Below 10 use 1st, below 20 use 2nd, etc. etc. At least that's how I used to do it now I just go with the feel. I definitely feel good old Dr. C's "flow theory" when riding and that is why I do.
If you think it's a new girl above 4K wait 'til you take her above 6K! :) The general rule about the gear equalling the first number of the is pretty good, however, Connies (and most touring bikes) are geared pretty low in first and I very seldom shift down to there unless I'm coming to a stop. She's got plenty of torque and will easily carry a rider in second gear even at idle (1000rpm) speed and will accelerate readily from idle in second gear. HTH.
For just everyday riding I generally downshift when it gets below 3000rpm and upshift around 4000rpm while using modest throttle, and a smooth flow through gears, with the rate of acceleration being what ever it happens to be. Probably 4500 tops. I probably spend the vast majority of my daily commute in this rpm range. As Ranger Jim mentions, I rarely shift into first unless at a stop. I have used 2nd in lower rpms all the time. 2 up I generally use a bit more RPM due to the extra load. Like starting on a hill solo I still probably dont use that much rpm, but starting on a hill 2 up gets more rpm and higher shift points. 4500 and up for me is passing rpms, and quick manouver rpms. Even while out passing like a mad man, I probably still upshift at 7500 range and my Connie would rarely ever see more than that. 2003 Concours, 56K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
Thank you folks. I look forward to spending more quality time with bike to figure out the RPMs. I always did like a good topic to study...
Revs, revs, revs!!!!! I know, to each his (or hers) own, but that motor wants to REV!! And it's blasphemous to not give her the gas. Anything below 3500 and you're luggin it, and it you're not hittin at least 7000-8000 once in a while you're just not enjoying it!! Just my opinion, which is slightly hooligan-like...
Gee, if 7-8k is enjoying her, what am I doing at 10.5k? I regularly push mine to the limits in first and second and then can do quick shifts to sixth and cruise. So much fun getting off the line and away from the pack.
love the pull from about 7k on up to red line, by the time you hit third and look at the speedo as it's hittin 100 you're like ok i better slow down before i get a ticket :)