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Bestem bag liners

I bought a set last year for my long trip.  I ended up only using the left one.  I put everything in it that had to make the trip to the room over night.  The right side of my bags are things like tire repair, foul weather gear and spare parts.  It seemed harder to get to what I wanted when jammed into the bag so I left with only the left.
smooth_operator said:
These work pretty well  and fit nicely in the sidecases. can be had at ebay for $60-$70.

These came with my '12 Connie when I bought it in Jan.  Didn't appear the PO ever used them but I love them!  I typically just use both for tours, and just one for shorter rides or day trips to keep water and snacks from rattling around.  Great way to keep stuff organized on a tour.  They look great and are well made.  Quite a bargain IMO.