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Black Hills Campout 2023? - Spearfish, SD


Will there be a 2nd Annual Black Hills Campout? I'm game. I'm looking for a reason to ride east through some great country.

Thank You @Cobber for the tag. I haven't visited the forum recently and missed this.

@Daboo, I am interested in organizing a Blackhills Campout this year. Last year's campout was good time in spite of the poor weather and light turnout.

Last year's we camped at the Spearfish City Campground and went in to to town for meals.

At this point, a weekend in early June would work best. It wouldn't compete with the National or any other North Central Area events.

For those interested in attending, post here or send me a PM your thoughts on this event.

I am looking input on the location. the campground in Spearfish was very nice, but some thought Spearfish was a bit far away from some of the intersesting rides and sites in Black Hills. It also did not have a pavillion or shelter to use when the weather turned.
The SW-Owners group uses the campground each year. Their National Rally is June 19-22. It's a small event, not like a COG National Rally. There is a pavilion that I've used to get out of the rain for a bit, but not to camp under. Bell's is an inexpensive motel on the outskirts of Spearfish.


The Pavilion is in the yellow oval. The tent sites the ST-Owners group use are in the blue oval. You'd want to talk over reservations with the owners obviously.

The location itself is not bad, and the rides getting there and home are part of the enjoyment of the rally. From the west, Lolo Pass, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone. While there in Spearfish, Mt. Rushmore, Spearfish Canyon, the back twisty roads leading to the caves (reservation required :( ). A hike around the ET movie mountain. Off to the East, the Badlands, Chief Joseph Highway, and Beartooth Mountain.

Grand Tetons





I have more pictures, but I don't want to bore you. I'll probably go whether there's a rally, or not. But I'd rather have a couple other guys to share it with.
