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BuckWheats in the Meadow "Willville" 29-31 Oct


Date change to: When: Oct 22-24 Where: Meadows of Dan, Willville campgournd Purpose: To eat Buckwheats on the 24th Oct and then ride home full Cost: Camping $15.00 a nite, payable to Will, Buckwheats pig-out I think $10.00 This is not a COG sanctioned ride, just who ever wants to ride, eat, camp and sit around the camp fire and BS. This is a camping event and the weather could be nasty and prevent participation. Willville does have one Cabin and there is the Blue Ridge Motel right down the road. There will be no route sheets, you come and ride wherever you want. http://www.willvillebikecamp.com/ http://www.meadowsofdanva.com/welcome.htm
Very tempting, Tommy. Those Buckwheats are great! Willville. BRP. Yeah! Have it pencilled in on the calendar. Thanks for throwing this out to the group. Say, I'll bet that Jimmy Miller would welcome another COGger in SE VA to help with ride, etc. planning for us next year. There's a lot of good riding between the WV eastern panhandle and Tidewater. You will do great! Pat
You must be feeling better that you can type and make funnies at the same time......by the way, how are you doing....
Tommy wrote: You must be feeling better that you can type and make funnies at the same time......by the way, how are you doing.... Fine as frog's hair. Had Buckwheat cakes twice in past week.....that's a good Rx. Hope to see you at the Fall rally at NB. Pat
Well I have a sked conflict, was told today I have go to San Diego 18-22 Oct for a conference. So I will not be able to attend, thinking of still heading up on the 23rd (saturday) but really don't know if I'll make that or not. Hopefully others can still make it.