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Road Bike
Last weekend I was visiting my parents to help around their farm in NW WI.  With the wife and kid off elsewhere I took the C14 for the 4 hour (one way) ride from SE MN. 
Sunday evening on my way home I stopped for gas and cleaned my shield in Minong, WI.  209.5 miles later parked in my garage my helmet looked like this.....

Also the 209.5 miles was without a stop.  No stop sign, stop light, or stop in traffic... which was amazing with holiday weekend traffic on I35 into MSP.  Average 52.9 MPG for the trip & had a high of 54.9 for the last tank on the way home!  Never expected that with the speeds on the slab. 
Bugs can be handy when on an iron butt ride . Open the face shield and catch em in your teeth for protein....less food stops .  :rotflmao:
They're probably Yellpw Jackets.  At least they're the ones that do this around New England.  They're trash eaters & love bug guts.

Good job Joe!  What did the front of the bike look like? 
Your helmet looks like it needed a couple paper towels and a soaking of Windex.

How many gallons did it take when you re-fueled after 209 miles?
No, no! Never use paper towels on plastic visors. Not unless you like the hazy look. Get a can Plexus. Soak the shield and helmet, let it set for a minute and then wipe it off with a soft cloth. Might take two applications with that load of bugs though. Good mileage on that trip too - my C10 isn't that good; maybe 44mpg.
Pilgrim said:
Good job Joe!  What did the front of the bike look like? 
Your helmet looks like it needed a couple paper towels and a soaking of Windex.

How many gallons did it take when you re-fueled after 209 miles?
Fill up was 3.8 gallons. 
Bike looks like this.  Have not washed it yet.  Sorry for the poor quality picture.  Ran out from work and snapped it, but lots of sun!

PaulP said:
No, no! Never use paper towels on plastic visors. Not unless you like the hazy look. Get a can Plexus. Soak the shield and helmet, let it set for a minute and then wipe it off with a soft cloth. Might take two applications with that load of bugs though. Good mileage on that trip too - my C10 isn't that good; maybe 44mpg.

I used dish soap & hot water on microfiber for removing almost all of the bugs, then Wizards on knit cotton to finish the job. 