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Burning Question: Is it SHOWEY? SHOOEY? SHOOWAY?


Crotch Rocket
I picked up my Shoei Neotec late last year (from another COG member - Thanks!) and I only have 1 complaint -- I have no idea how to properly pronounce the company's name.

I've heard both variations from multiple trusted sources.

I'm wondering if this is similar to a situation I ran into when I worked in the outdoors industry. The Scandinavian fishing lure manufacturer Rapala was commonly pronounced in the US as 'rah-PAH-lah'. But the real pronunciation was more like 'RA-pah-lah'. I once talked with an executive at the company and asked him which was best. He said the company gave up long ago on enforcing the proper pronunciation in the States. So it was perfectly acceptable, in the US, to use the former, but everywhere else in the world they used the latter.
I Kahn-coor. It's Show-ee.

Grandaddy always called it Ruh-PAL-a, so that's what we call it here in the south, for the most part. I don't like that other pronunciation, but I agree that's probably the real one.

He smoked Pall Mall cigarettes and pronounced that 'Pal Mal', like My Gal Sal.
DaddyFlip said:
I Kahn-coor. It's Show-ee.

Grandaddy always called it Ruh-PAL-a, so that's what we call it here in the south, for the most part. I don't like that other pronunciation, but I agree that's probably the real one.

He smoked Pall Mall cigarettes and pronounced that 'Pal Mal', like My Gal Sal.
My okie dad smoked the Pell Mells.