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C10 bags for sale near San Jose, CA

A fair number of people go the color-matched paint route with the bags, but you have to do it yourself.  Mama Kaw provides C10 bags only in black.  Whoever painted those bags did a really nice job!

It's not something you have to go to a shop for.  A lot of folks paint their own, and there are several threads around here devoted to painting the bags.  Here's one with practical advice on prepping the material for the paint - which really is the key to a job that looks great.

WillyP said:
lol, I think that's a great price considering what they cost new.

I agree.  And for someone looking to paint a set of bags to match, the hard prep work has already been done on the red bags.  THey would only need a scuff sanding to be prepped to change to whatever color one wanted.  Just another thought... man, where are these things coming from.  I'm not used to this.  :eek:
Rev Ryder said:
man, where are these things coming from.  I'm not used to this.  :eek:

Changed coffee brands?  Seriously, this seems like a really good deal, even if the seller is willing to ship them.
As far as I know the only difference is the finish and the key. Any year bag will fit any year bike.

The '86 had a smooth finish and a different key. After '86, they went to a textured finish and you got either an 'a' or a 'b' key.

So these may have be '86 bags or someone could have filled and/or sanded of the texture and painted them.