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CAM Sprocket Confusion during rebuild...........


Just before installing the CAM's this evening, I noticed a difference between what I have and what the Service Manual says I should have.

Both sprockets are mounted using the Exhaust mounting holes.

Any information would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank You


Ah Ha - a mistake in the Clymer Manual....

Once again - Thank You Very Much Steve!!!!!


PS - Just checked and the Factory Manual is correct............

You're right - IF!!! - This were my personal bike - but it's not, kinda(I have the Title).

This is a Winter Project that will be sold in the Spring. 

A lovingly rebuilt Barney with 21K on it.


I found the same issue on my 05. Upon disassembly I found both intake and exhaust sprockets to be bolted to the cams through the round countersink, but I am confused by your answer, Steve.
Are you saying to use the square countersink holes on the intake cam for ZX1000 engines?

I have both the Clymer manual and the factory manual. The Cylmer shows to use the square countesink for the intake and round for the exhaust. The factory manual shows using the round countersink for both cam gears, but the accompanying text and drawing caption is poorly written in the factory manual which only confuses things further.

Which is correct? Round countersink for both cams or round for exhaust and square for intake?

Ah yes, now I see my mistake. When I read your first reply I saw ”ZG” and not “ZX” as you had written. Can I blame my mistake on old age? ;)
Thanks for sorting it out for me.
Also the cam lobes are very pitted. Was this a problem on certain model years?