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Canadian Maritimes Summer of '25


I was thinking of doing a 10 day trip to the Maritimes this coming summer. I have no hard dates as of now. I wanted to his Quebec City then Gaspe. From there I was thinking of taking the Ferry to PEI, ride PEI, Ferry again to Nova Scotia, cross into New Brunswick and into Maine. Nothing is permanent, although I would like to see Gaspe for sure & PEI. Also, I was thinking of mixing it up between camping and hotels. Anyone interested? - Hit me back... ScottCap Bon ami.jpeg
Sounds like a great trip. Riding Gaspe and Cape Breton are definitely on my bucket list. From where I am, a trip like this would be 56+ hrs of saddle time. 10 days should be enough if everything runs smoothly. I have to see where life goes for next summer.
Well, I am definitely open to ideas. I have been looking through the Butler Maps and there is definitely a lot to see. I haven’t toured since 2023 and am ready for another trip.
Keep me posted , i might be able to meet up with you at some point. I'm in New Brunswick. :) (y)
Good morning.

This is what I am thinking… just a rough draft so far. Leaving from NH Last week of August. Looking at perhaps 10 days then possibly +1 depending where you have to get back to…

Quebec City - Gaspé: 430 mi approx 7.5 hrs
Gaspé - PEI: 447 mi approx 9.25 hrs
PEI - free day as long as we end up at Wood Islands for the Ferry to NS.
Pictou NS - St. Margaret Village: 351.7 mi approx 9 hrs
St. Mags - Halifax NS: 351.7 mi 9.5 hrs
Halifax - Yarmouth NS: 208.6 mi 5.5 hrs
CAT from Yarmouth - Bar Harbor.

Then home
I am interested in that ride too! I live out in southern California so of course I would be putting on many miles but I love the areas that you are interested in riding too. Our Southwest team is hosting the rally next year and that would be a very fun extension.
I am interested in that ride too! I live out in southern California so of course I would be putting on many miles but I love the areas that you are interested in riding too. Our Southwest team is hosting the rally next year and that would be a very fun extension.
Thanks for responding. Look forward to the potential company.
Good morning.

This is what I am thinking… just a rough draft so far. Leaving from NH Last week of August. Looking at perhaps 10 days then possibly +1 depending where you have to get back to…

Quebec City - Gaspé: 430 mi approx 7.5 hrs
Gaspé - PEI: 447 mi approx 9.25 hrs
PEI - free day as long as we end up at Wood Islands for the Ferry to NS.
Pictou NS - St. Margaret Village: 351.7 mi approx 9 hrs
St. Mags - Halifax NS: 351.7 mi 9.5 hrs
Halifax - Yarmouth NS: 208.6 mi 5.5 hrs
CAT from Yarmouth - Bar Harbor.

Then home
Lots of Miles! Are you going to have time to SEE ANYTHING other than the yellow line on the road?
Hi Jason
Are you still thinking of making it this way also at some point ?
Haven't decided yet. LOTS on our plate right now. Not sure if I can muster the energy to figure all the details of a trip this big for this year.
I will keep you posted.
Sorry , i was meaning for next year.
I'm talking about 2025.
Scott's plan is more miles per day than I want to do and less days than I want to spend in the area.
I'd like to get to Labrador.
Might have to wait until 2026 and make it the "Big Trip" of the year.
I'm talking about 2025.
Scott's plan is more miles per day than I want to do and less days than I want to spend in the area.
I'd like to get to Labrador.
Might have to wait until 2026 and make it the "Big Trip" of the year.
Sounds like a proper plan ! (y)
Am interested. I live in Northern NH and could arrange an overnight, camping or motel. Just did NB, NS and PEI last summer. PEI is relatively boring but the 8-mile bridge to it is a trip especially in windy conditions. Would love doing Gaspe.
Hi Scott
Sounds like a nice trip. I did a trip to Nova Scotia via New Brunswick and Moncton in 2002. It was a mix of camping and motels as well. I never did PEI, and always wanted to do the Gaspe, but never made it there either. I'd like to do another Canada trip again, especially Nova Scotia, but I'm still recovering from a health issue that will hold me back from doing that again, at least for another year. Hope things work out for you. Good luck.
As I mentioned before, I'm in Northern NH and rode in NB, PEI and NS last summer and am interested in Gaspe. For me, the suggested itinerary is too ambitious. I would like to ride perhaps 200 miles a day, a more relaxed schedule. Might be because I'm 77 years old.

If anyone is interested in something like that, spending a few days meandering NB and NS departing from the White Mountains of NH get in touch.

For that matter, anyone coming my way and wanting to tour, I'm game.