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Changing front tire?????


I have a question concerning changing the front tire. I've done it twice, but for whatever reason (don't think I really want to know the answer to that....scary), I can't remember how I suspended the bike while removing wheel. I know how to remove to it, just not how to hold it up while tire is being changed.

Probably going to be my last tire change.

I have highway pegs that I put jack stands under. I've also just put weight on the back end. I've also heard of people putting their center stand on a piece of wood that they they tie their rear end to, to keep it down.
Like john says above... weight on the back. I just tie weights to the grab handles and pull the front end up.
3/4" board under the center stand then a tie down strap on the rear shelf hooked to a tractor bucket and snugged down will raise the front wheel about 4" off the floor - just enough to get the tire out from between the forks & fender.
I just jack the front up enough to place two jack stands, one under each of the tip over bars.
Very stable and secure.
I use a bottle jack under the oil pan It makes it easy to adjust the front end up/down to line up the forks wheel axle stuff
I ratchet strap the bars to the rafters in the shop AND block under pan.  But turbo oil lines prohibit much room down there to try and use a floor jack (bottle would probably work fine).
Just be sure to tie the center stand in place when using a jack.  It can flip up pretty quickly if you raise it up just a tiny bit too high.