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COG Store software glitch?


Several times I've tried to order 2 different shirts and a hat for the COG 2023 National and it shows the 3 items in the cart correctly and then when I get to the last page it says I have no items in my cart. I tried it with both Firefox and Chrome.
Do I need to order each item separately and if so is that going to raise my shipping charge?

Standing by.....:whistle:

EDIT: I went back to verify what page the problem showed up on (page 3 shipping address) and this time the order went through.
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Do not order them separately for now - cause yes, it will tack on shipping to each.

Can you tell me exactly what step you were on (there is a graphic at the top of the checkout pages showing 1, 2, 3 or 4) when the totals went blank?

Two other orders were placed today with no issues - one with multiple items and one with 1 item. So it's something specific to your order or computer.