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Colorado to California 2,700 mile trip


First long trip on my '06 Connie is now in the book. I live in western Colorado, rode out to meet and ride with some friends near Santa Margarita, California. (Santa Margarita is near San Louis Obispo.) I towed my trailer and camped at the Santa Magarita State Park. Here is a shot of my rig on Hwy 46 north of Bakersfield:
Here I am along the California coast:
My camping spot: .
A few comments from a "new" (purchased in March this year) Connie rider. Stock seat sucks, but can be managed with enough stops. A custom seat is definitly in the future. Highway pegs. I had them on my old Yamaha, and promptly ordered a set of Millerized pegs on my return. Don't leave home without them. The 19" Rifle system and Genmar bar risers I put on before the trip were definitly worth the money. A set of Murph's Kneesavers will be added before my next long trip. There are some parts of this country that are not worth riding through more than once. The stretch between Las Vegas and Bakersfield qualifies as one. IHOP restaraunts are pretty good places to eat. Always check to see if your campground showers are coin operated. Do this before you want/need to shower. All-in-all it was pretty good trip. The Connie pulled the trailer with no problems, and I had no mechanical issues at all. With a few more upgrades to increase long-haul comfort I'll really be set for more long trips.