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Connie Dropper Helper


Mini Bike

Found this in Road Runner Magazine, maybe some day it will be available for Connie Droppers.  I am a member of both a C10 and a C14.  And best of all it is only $3500.00 for Harleys, (they need help), and Gold Wings.  But really, I wouldn't be caught with these on my bike!  Ha Ha!
LMAO. Drunk Bike Night Special.
Something like it might be good to teach someone how to ride a bike that has never been on two wheels. Or they make those Training Wheels.
Joe has a bad hip or knee. Joe doesn't want to quit riding. Joe doesn't want to move to a trike. Joe sees the ad for Landingear. "Eureka! I've found it!" says Joe as he rides off into the sunset.
If I reach the point of needing those things I may as well just put the $3,500 into a car, or join the darkside.
I was heading southbound through Gainesville, FL a few years back and saw a Harley equipped with something similar.  It was wheels which raised and lowered pneumatically and were mounted more on a line with the rear axle.  They lowered as he came to a stop at a light, and raised up when he took off.  Didn't get the chance to talk with the guy, but they actually looked pretty cool.
A friend of a friend in my town could use these. He's about 60 or so. Healthy, nice guy, good rider, but was in an indistrial accident some years ago, and lost his left leg from just above the knee. He could really use this. He does OK with his prosthetic, but has dropped his Harlye a few times when "his leg" didn' act as expected. He has an air shifter, and rides well but this could do the trick for him.
There are a number of people I've seen riding with disabilities that impressed me what they did... one guy with no left hand riding also a stock Harley (no auto clutch)  :-\
Sorry to dampen the jokes, but maybe this would be better than a Trike or a Spyder?
One Bike Week or Biketoberfest I was on Main Street in Daytona watching the parade of interesting things go by, when I saw a bike moving up the street with no rider (!)  But it had a sidecar and there was a guy in a wheelchair in the sidecar who was driving it from there.  Wish I'd had my camera.  Necessity really IS the mother of invention, isn't she?