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Copperdawg reviews


Although I like my Vstream that came with my bike i am intrigued with the copperdawg. It seems with the short height it would not provide much wind protection. I would like to hear members experience good or bad regarding this product. No bashing needed just want to hear props and cons. I am 5'8" BTW.
Although I like my Vstream that came with my bike i am intrigued with the copperdawg. It seems with the short height it would not provide much wind protection. I would like to hear members experience good or bad regarding this product. No bashing needed just want to hear props and cons. I am 5'8" BTW.
I live in Houston, so I bought one last year to see if more ventilation would help during hot Summer days and it did. I do put my V Stream back on for cooler to cold weather. For me it's good for day trips. Not sure about touring with it. Maybe some one can advise about that. It looks great on the bike. I'm 5'10 if I stand up straight.
C-Dawg has put some work into their unit. I can only speak from using my cut down DB style that I prefer the extra wind, even when touring. I think it still provides more protection than the CD, and ample when in the full upright position. For 2 season I swapped the stock back on for colder months, but did not do so this year. You are close and when you can break free from the wintery grip of the 'Badger' you would be welcome to try out my cut down shield the likes of a CD. I guess decades of riding naked/sporty bikes my back and neck prefer some wind produced buoyancy.
ZXtasy, you make a very good point about buoyancy that i never thought about. Being a height challenged individual i have never experienced too much head/neck fatigue, but with taller riders I could see that being an issue. I am an audiophile so i like my tunes and excessive wind noise is a bummer. The combo of my Vstream and my Schuberth provide a quiet ride. Does the CD prevent buffeting and excessive wind noise? I can also see some people may prefer the visceral experience of having more air flow.
I don't have a CD, but my C14 came with a drastically cut down oem shield that had an adjustable spoiler on the top. I like to hear my tunes as well and that setup didn't work for me. More air, buffeting or not, means more noise.20171203_090005.jpg
I loved my Copper Dawg! I did my last and fateful long C14 trip with it in August last year. I still have it and its for sale but is missing mounting screws.
My CD goes on mid June every year since 2018. It works fine for me, but I've been cutting down on longer (highway) rides over the years.
This year I'm shipping the bike to Sturgis and planning to rides back to New Jersey. Not sure if I'll go back to my winter screen for the ride.
It sounds like most members use it for hotter climates and shorter rides and they switch back and forth depending on temps and length of trip. I usually do a 3-4k trip at least once a year so maybe leave the Vstream on for those and the rest of the time the CD might be a good option.
I’m in Atlanta, I put my CD on when it gets hot in the summer for more airflow. Most of the year I run a GIVI windscreen. I do tend to run a little slower commuting with the CD on. With the GIVI keeping most of the wind off, you’re running triple digits without noticing on a regular basis.
I had one. I live in a hot climate too. Sold it. I just ride too fast for the C-dawg, It gives zero wind protection. I sat up a little at 65mph and it was way to sketchy for me. I felt like a parachute. That being said, it is a sweet look, but just not functional enough for me.
Guys, just some "wind" comments based on my C10 experience...
Wind does not always mean noise (sorry Bud). I cut about 6" from my C10 shield to get it to quiet. Different shield design, different bike, but next time you're riding, stand up on the pegs and see if it doesn't get quieter. This is how I stumbled on the idea of cutting my C10 shield.
There's a balance somewhere. I'm still using my stick shield, but am planning on cutting a vent opening in the low-center area to try to reduce buffeting and noise.
Guys, just some "wind" comments based on my C10 experience...
Wind does not always mean noise (sorry Bud). I cut about 6" from my C10 shield to get it to quiet. Different shield design, different bike, but next time you're riding, stand up on the pegs and see if it doesn't get quieter. This is how I stumbled on the idea of cutting my C10 shield.
There's a balance somewhere. I'm still using my stick shield, but am planning on cutting a vent opening in the low-center area to try to reduce buffeting and noise.
I have a 15 shield you can play with.
Yes, the stock shield is too small.

So I made a taller one, It's time for another because mine is showing its age

This time I'm going to the plastic store and ask if they have a suggestion on different plastic,

The chit I used last time was very thin.