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Could not believe what I was seeing.


Not Concours related, but motorcycle related..Now I've seen it all. Driving this evening I see a guy on a motorcycle, driving about 25 MPH on Lowell St. In Peabody. He is sitting up on his bike, cell phone in one hand, texting with the other! I could not believe it. I yelled out window, asking if he had a death wish. Could not believe my eyes.
flyboy3107 said:
Not Concours related, but motorcycle related..Now I've seen it all. Driving this evening I see a guy on a motorcycle, driving about 25 MPH on Lowell St. In Peabody. He is sitting up on his bike, cell phone in one hand, texting with the other! I could not believe it. I yelled out window, asking if he had a death wish. Could not believe my eyes.

I saw similar on I-65 just north of Birmingham, AL when a nut on a sport bike was doing similar but he was going > 70 mph (how do I know, because was going 70 in my care) in the middle lane of a 6-lane interstate. Not sure if he was texting but he had it up and was looking at it periodically... in heavy traffic too at about 4:45 pm. Like you said, he's asking for trouble.
I would absolutely never ever in a million years do what this dumb guy has done!!!  I use a phone holder and ALWAYS keep one hand on the bars while I text!!!!  :nananana: :nananana: :nananana:
Scenes like that bring out my most uttered statement about bad motorcyclists...

'Its a free country...free to be stupid'
Back when I was in my very early 20s I had a friend that I would ride with on occasion, until 1 day we were on the Merritt Parkway, a two lane rolling, twisting, tree lined, limited access highway, speed limit 55mph, but most doing 65+mph. It was the weekend and traffic was pretty light back then.

Well, he decided to take a rest on the ride, throttle lock on, he scooched back on the elevated queen passenger seat, folded his arms across his stomach and rested against the passenger backrest on his Kawi 750 LTD. Must of been on the passenger pegs too, looked like he was a sleeping passenger that lost his rider.

He did this for a few miles, leaning into the slow sweeping turns, I don't remember any lane changes taking place. Any variation not noticed in the roadway, animal lane intrusion or another car swerving would probably would of been the death of him. I was ahead of him at this point, making pretend I didn't know him as I watched passing anguished cagers faces in their disbelief of what they just saw. This was well before cell phones, so there was no 911 calls going out and no commercial trucks were allowed on the highway (CBs).

No way he could jump back in the rider seat and grab control in short time. No helmet either.

Later, after the ride, he admitted that he did that all the time on this highway.

Needless to say that was the last ride I went with him on a highway at least, best as my memory recollects, maybe on any ride.

He didn't ride too much longer, maybe 6 months later, he hit a newly constructed/curb not painted yet, raised paved lane divider leaving a shopping mall at night taking the turn too tight, lost control, went down and totaled the bike. He got banged up, road rash, a few broken ribs and broken collar bone. He never bought another bike.
We were young and did dumb things back then with the feeling of invincibility.