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Cruise Install Issue- help please

I finally got the throttle cable and wire loop installed, but now have another issue when I "bench tested" the cruise control. What I did was I started the bike and with it on the center stand, I turned the cruise on. I then took the engine up to about 3500 rpm and set the cruise. What the cruise control did was try to engage, or maybe I should say the cruise very quickly kicked on, pulled the rpm's up to about 4000 and then disengaged. All this happened in a second or two at the most. My interpreatation is the cruise pulled the throttle too quickly, and the increase in revs caused it to disengage? I'm wondering aslo if this is just being caused by the bike being in nuetral without a load on the drivetrain, and is normal? If I don't hear from anyone, I guess I can take it for a test ride and see what happens. Thanks for any info or thoughts! Doug
Doug the unit will automaticly disengauge its self if the RPMs rise to fast. The only way to test is to ride it and hole on tight. I also discovered that the brake light must have a regular bulb or if using an LED in the brake light a relay that provides a path to ground with a least 10 ohms of resistance. Good luck and remember it's allways a good idea to hold on tight!
what he said 2003 Concours, 56K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
I had a similar "surge" in speed/revs when I "set" the cruise on the highway - it would then settle back to the set speed (a few mph lower than the surge speed). I found it a little unnerving, so I just changed mine to "low" sensitivity and it solved the problem. It now works very well - and I am very happy!
Doug, Same thing happened when I tried to..ummm, "bench test" the unit in my wife's Xtera (and for the record, I did buy it from Murph). I had the rear wheels on jack-stands and the lack of resistance will kill the cruise. It's as if you pushed in the clutch, you want the unit to quit accelerating. But once I took it out on the road, everything was fine. Only way to test it is "real world"! Dave Muir 1980 LTD1000 - Rocket 1999 Concours - Rocket II 1997 Dyna - wife's CT-COG #3649
Thanks all! I got everything put back together about 10:15 last night and took it out for a test ride. ALL IS WELL!! yea...it works like a charm. All functions work and it even shuts off as it should, which is always a plus, lol. It was a real PIA to get the throttle cable back on, but other than that it wasn't bad at all. I did a valve adjustment while all the bodywork was already off, and that turned out great too. All in all a very successful weekend of wrenching. Doug