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Crush Washer


I am rebuilding my brake calipers. The crush washer where the banjo bolt attaches to the caliper appears to be aluminum. I am out of aluminum crush washers in that size, however I do have coper.

Does anyone know any reason coper crush washers would be a bad idea in this application?
I did a little search. About the only things that are mentioned is corrosion between different metals and that copper can be re-annealed. I'd go with copper. Can't imagine it's going to cause a problem. It's right in the open if you want to keep an eye on it.
Yea, I figured the same. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't some strange issue I wasn't aware of like coper reacting poorly to Dot 4 but I can't find anything stating that.
Well said ZXtasy!! You have unearthed a bigger question...is it ignoble to pair coper and aluminum and if so is that a base insult?
I am rebuilding my brake calipers. The crush washer where the banjo bolt attaches to the caliper appears to be aluminum. I am out of aluminum crush washers in that size, however I do have coper.

Does anyone know any reason coper crush washers would be a bad idea in this application?
Not that I'm aware of.