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Custom Air Deflectors...


Training Wheels
Has anyone made or bought wind deflectors for their connie (that direct air towards the rider?) I just finished making my summer windshield for the connie, and I have a large chunk of plexiglass left over. I've seen a couple products on the interent but I'd prefer to make my own. Anyone have an idea of the best placement of these flaps? I want the 'cooler' air directed towards my midriff. The 'short' windshield lets air reach my shoulders and the highway pegs cool my legs. Thanks, Colin Pelletier
Baker air wings are available. http://www.bakerbuilt.com/kawasaki.htm AKA "2linby" That's 2-lin-by folks! Northwest Area Director COG #5539 AMA #927779 IBA #15034 TEAM OREGON MC Instructor http://community.webshots.com/user/2linby http://tinyurl.com/njas8 (IBA BunBurner Gold Trip) http://tinyurl.com/lwelx (Alaska trip)
Thanks 2Linby, These are exactly the thing I want. (the mirror ones are the ones I had in my head) Has anyone had experience with these (or any other type)? What does the assembly look like? Is it a pivot that you can tighten? I'd prefer to make my own, any tips would be appreciated. Colin Pelletier.
I have seen all types bought and made on bikes so they must like them. I just never have had them. One guy used RAM mounts somehow to make adjustable ones like Baker ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
I have the Kawasaki air deflector and they work well. Direct it in during the summer and out during rain or colder weather. Looks good I think, I had bakers and like these better. The only thing is they cost $80-$90.
What a timely subject! I was beginning the task of looking for some wings to direct air toward my legs and body. The engine heat is beginning to be annoying on these hot days. : 42k miles
You guys don't have to spend all that $$$ on Baker air wings or the Kawi ones. These will work just as well for $48. I had the ones that fit a 1984 Interstate. http://www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/ItemBrowse/c-10111/s-10101/p-100000146914/mediaCode-ZX/appId-10622405/Pr-p_CATENTRY_ID:10000014691410622405/index-3
I have the kawasaki wings, and I don't think they do much. In the position to get air to you, it puts air right on my knees, and very little up high. So, the unbreathable foam knee pads in my riding pants don't let any of the air in. It does seem to help in deflecting air away in the winter and rain, though.
I made my own out of some plexi and some chrome shelf brackets and stainless bolts. You can see them in this photohttp://pets.webshots.com/photo/2050957640063175854dHkjLr Of course, I would also suggest looking at the heat shields I make. I think they make a bigger difference than deflectors do. Combine the two as I have, and it is the most help short of removing the fairing.
I've got the Kawi deflectors on my '01. I had the Baker wings on my '86 and right now in this Atlanta commuting heat (!!!) I am wishing I had my Bakers. IMO the Bakers work better.