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Daniel Boone National Forest


Here is a link to all of the pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/chadrwilson/DanielBoone2009# Friday, my wife and I left off for Daniel Boone National Forest in Kentucky after I got home from work. This meant that I did not have to use any vacation days for this weekend excursion. The trip down from Oxford, Ohio was uneventful.
The room is simple, but was clean and comfortable.
Friday night, the small group of us stood outside and chatted like a group of riders will often do. I had a hard time sleeping and ended up waking before everyone else, so I took that time to catch some pics of their bikes.
And then there was breakfast.
40 cent eggs! A $5 bought breakfast for both Erin and I. :)
Two of the riders followed me into the park, while the others found their own hooligan route to follow.. My route was simple, but the roads were not. My wife was a little uncomfortable at first, but she soon got into the rhythm and really enjoyed the roads. This was the curviest roads she has ridden with me, yet. 213 is a nice road, as is 52, 11/15, 77 and 715.
Erin was a little apprehensive to take pics through the tight curves, so no pics of those. I think I scared her!
The first stop was the Natural Bridge. We rode the skylift up and walked back down the 1.25 mile path.
Saturday night, we had dinner at Katie's Country Diner.
And then a little more hangin' out in the motel parking lot telling stories.
My best story for the day involves the Nada Tunnel. I love tunnels. When I ride my bike through one, I rev my motor up. For this one, carried enough speed into it, held in the clutch handle and revved up the tach to 9500 RPM. Good God I was giggling like a school boy the time. I think I scared the crap out of the car in front me because once they exited the tunnel, they immediately pulled over to let me by! : 46k miles