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Dave in Vermont!


Big Wheel
Hi! I'm Dave in Vermont. I formerly spent 23 years in many phases of the motorcycle industry....now semi-retired and own a small diner with my wife here in the tiny town of Shoreham VT near the shores of Lake Champlain. I must confess to having MBD badly(multiple bike disorder), and currently have a bakers dozen in the garage including two Connies...a 2K and an '87. I've been riding for 43 years and this is my second year as a COG member!!
Welcome. I hope you have a nice riding season. From the COOL :p southwest desert :8o: Yuma, Summer in Yuma is not hell, but hell is a local call :) 2006 Connie http://community.webshots.com/user/Lateck?vhost=community
Hi David... Welcome. If you post the name & address of your diner you may get an unexpected visit by another COG member. -- Steve Smith, #3184 COG Northest Area Director (somewhere in south central CT) If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Well, I'm not likely to blow in for lunch, but welcome anyway David. It sounds like you've got it bad with all those bikes. :) Connie has a wa of fitting in the stable rather nicely though, eh?
A baker's dozen eh? I have only the one but it's easy to see how a man would inevitably end up there, or at least how this particular man (me) will inevitably end up there. :) Hope to see you at the National. '06 C10 AMA# 1019197 COG# 8229 CDA# 0267 <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/brett0769/2739088475/" title="Connie 8-08 by Brett0769, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3245/2739088475_f0196924f5_m.jpg" width="240" height="180" alt="Connie 8-08" /></a>
Hi Dave, Good to have you here joining us. Considering how many rallies we've done in that area, it would be great to stop by your diner for lunch to say hello. What's the name and address? Greg MA COG# 7010/7010a Tracey CDA 120 Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude -CDAAD 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle" 05 Ninja 250
If you post the name & address of your diner you may get an unexpected visit by another COG member. And a tour of the garage may be in order :) Welcome Dave !! CT AAD COG #7011-A 2003 Concours-Mary Ann 1995 Honda Nighthawk 750 wifes
Hi Dave, welcome to the fold. I look forward to getting up to your diner some day and introducing myself.
And a HELLOOOOOO to Dave from the Northwest end of this padded room... Are you a working owner? Hospitality can be a tough business. Financially and physically, but most of all MENTALLY! Anyway, welcome to the group! We're not so bad. Mike B / Gig Harbor, WA
The diner is called the Halfway House Restaurant. We're located at 450 Rt.22A in the town of Shoreham VT. on the western side of the state. Ticonderoga NY is just across the lake from us if you're into Revolutioary War history! Be great to meet any of you that would like to stop in!! Just ask for Cora or Dave, if we're not there our employees can usually find us!!
Rev rider and Norm.....my MBD comes from so many years of working "in the toy store" so to speak..lol...and the fact that I enjoy somewhat "vintage" Japanese bikes.