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Dropped connie


Jim Polito  5068  2002 connie

Sunday April 12 went to pick up the connie after some engine work done on other coast of florida. I have a small trailer which has always been a challenge to get a bike up into and was riding it up and into the trailer when the front tire slipped and went sideways. It is a short trailer so you have to get up some speed then stop instantly when on it. I can count about ten ways this could have happened and believe me it won't again. When the bike went sideways it tried to fall off of the trailer luckily my left leg was stuck between the bike and the trailer as I fell over with it. Despite several cuts and really large bruises I drove home with a big ice pack taped to my leg and all was ok. I was pleasantly surprised when so many members and friends texted me, face booked me, or any other way to communicate to make sure the CONNIE was ok....oh well we all know how special the concours is but to all of those people YES I AM OK. Ha Ha
I'm really sorry she went down, but I'm really glad you walked away, even if it was with a limp.  You will heal; Connie will have to be fixed.  Hope that part is similarly uneventful.  And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 537th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have yet another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0533 C10 Scott Mitchell
0534 C10 Eric Stewart
0535 C10 David Peters
0536 C14 Joel Scherzer
0537 C10 Jim Polito