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Electrical guru's, I need some input.


Street Cruiser
Yesterday I parked RD (88 connie) in the garage as usual, all was working as it should. A little while ago I went out and was going to run some errands. I turned on the ignition, no oil light. OK, what goes here, switched the ignition back and forth, checked the kill switch, still the same. Made sure it was in neutral, hmmm, also no neutral light. Cranked it up and it ran same as usual, just no oil light, no neutral light, also no tachometer, gas tank was showing full (which I know it isn't,) and even after riding it for a bit, the temperature gauge still read cold. Turn signals work, brake lights work, headlight works, driving lights work, but the fog lights do not work. Now my sinking suspicion is the J box. Any other info you can add would be appreciated. tcars John
Just a guess but check the fuse that the fog lights are running on. If not that then try whacking the Jbox and see if the condition changes. Photos[/url]
Does the horn work? Are you sure the brake light works, or is it the normal tail light that you see? Check the horn/brake fuse in the J-Box. Brake lights, horn, fuel gauge, tach, coolant gauge, oil pressure light, and neutral light all work off that one fuse. All your symptoms except the fog light. What circuit do you have the fog lights tapped into? Tail light is off the adjacent fuse. Edit: If the horn and brake light works, check the larger instrument panel connector for a corroded connector/broken wire. Brown/white wire on the frame side, brown wire on the panel side. Should be 12 volts on that wire anytime the key is "ON"
Howard: Thanks for the heads up, it was that fuse. Funny part, only the major top portion of the fuse was gone, leaving just a hairline segment intact. But it wasn't enough to make all function. Once replaced, all works much better. Now to solve why it is running a bit warmer than usual. ta, tcars John