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Electronic Flasher


Sport Tourer
What do we need for an electronic flasher to go with LED bulbs for the turn signals. Any specific brand/model that is plug n play? 2003 Concours, 58K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
I just made a "visual horn" for my C10 by wiring up a Whelen LINZ6 strobe in the horn grill and a button to fire it off at the base of my clutch lever. This particular strobe had its own integrated flasher. I would recommend Southwest Public Safety (SWPS.com). Great service and good prices. They have every option in the book when it comes to strobes and flashers (a bit confusing, though).
Actually I was thinking flasher as in that little black think under the dash that controls the rate of speed turn signals flash at. Seems most of them are load sensitive. And when LED bulbs are used, or even lower wattage bulbs the flash rate is not correct. There are flashers that are designed to work with LED bulbs and provide the correct flash rate for the turn signals. Looking for one that plugs into the Connie and/or a Ninja 250. 2003 Concours, 58K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
You can use a 2 prong capacitive discharge one. They are designed for continous use, like for pilot cars. They run as a timer, not load sensitive. I think they used to run about $25 to $30. The wiring diagram shows 3 wires to the orig. one, but you only need the 2 colored ones (the black/yell is a ground). Don