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F1 Error code


Training Wheels
My screen has flashed F1 error twice now. The bike is 3 weeks old. It seems to be running fine. The manual talks about a fuel injection issue. Anything worth taking it by the dealer for or is it common to come on sometimes.
Some of the 2010+ C14's have had this bug. Not all of them mind you. But some of them. IMO, if it isn't coming on constantly or really often. Then I probably wouldn't worry about it. Like I said, quite a few of the Gen II C14's seem to be getting this glitch now and then.
My 2010 gave that fuel injection error warning a few times in the first few month for a few seconds, but it seems to have stopped.  I haven't noticed it in the past year.
Had mine flash on and then off rolling down the road with the bike about 4 days old. Never stuttered or faltered and then went away never to be seen again. Went for a ride about 2 weeks ago and flashed loss of transponder. Taking the bike in for the 7.5k check up and am going to ask them to run the diagnostics for these. I'll let you know what the stealer sez.