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first drop


I never posted how I dropped her last summer so here we go.

The wife and I took the 1500 mile trip back to California to visit family before I went on deployment.
With the bike loaded up in the bed of the truck just to go on a tour with my parents and in-laws. ( my dad rides a bandit 1200 and father in law has a Harley)

Trip went good we made it from Crescent city CA to Eureka for lunch and fuel and that's when it happened. After filling the bike I swung a u-turn to pull up next to parents while maneuvering the turn in the tight space my wife decided to lean way in on the turn to say hi. The weight change pushed the bike to far into the turn and I couldn't correct. I grabbed a fist full of front brake to try and send the weight back vertical but it wasn't enough. I stopped feet planted trying to pull her vertical from a heavy angle but it was no use. The wife sensed what happened and jumped off to lessen the weight but I ended up slowly setting her down on her right side.

Pretty embarrassing took my dad and I both to bring her back up. No injuries and only scratches on the mirror and bag.

Wife got complacent coming from riding on the back of a crotch rocket to the c14. She thought her weight wouldn't effect the bike.
Arrrgh!  That is one of the worst times to dump poor Connie - with your wife riding pillion and both your parents and her parents right there to witness it.  My guess is that you're going to be hearing this story for many many years.  :(

I've got to say that I've had passengers almost dump the bike on several occasions, though they were almost always when the passenger was either getting on or off without my realizing her intentions.  Glad nobody was hurt this time and that Connie only got minor scratches.  And your incident does qualify you for the CDA Award except for one thing.

You need to currently be a full COG member.  Don't worry, we don't make you drop her again after you've joined back up in order to qualify! 

Just to avoid confusion, here are the instructions: How to Convert from Forum Subscriber to Full COG Membership
Remember rear brake and clutch/ throttle straitens her up and keeps her stable at low speeds.  Sorry to hear this story,  8 mph and below, she is a beast, especially with 7.5 gallon on c10.