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First ride with Bohn Armor...

Well, I bought some Bohn Armor gear - shirt/pants. I took my maiden voyage with them on Saturday and got to test them out.

I was hitting the back roads and started to go through a covered bridge. Unfortunately, I could not see the wooden planks that were raised on about 2 inches. The planks were running vertically, so when my bike tried to cross over one, I went down and slid with the bike. Fortunately, I was only going about 15 mph.

I will need a new right-side fairing (?) but I only have a small scratch on my right forearm.

helmet: full face Arai RX-Q
armor gear: Bohn Armor top and bottom, riding gloves
riding boots
Generally we expect a ride report that says the gear was loose/tight/cold/hot/uncomfortable/etc .... I don't know that any of us expected you to test the gear in quite that manner. 

Glad YOU are okay.  Sorry to hear about the mishap.