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FNG :)


Big Wheel
like to say hello to everyone and I've been reading the forum and just want to ride with a group sometime..just picked up an 06 and have been loving it so far..any local rides going on would like to come ride..
Hey Chad, there are a number of COGgers in the DFW area (I was just there visiting my daughter last week) who could get together for some local rides.  Also you'll want to register to come to our Concours Owners Group National Rally in Eureka Springs Arkansas next summer too.  The COG is worth the time and effort of being a full member, but is still only at its best when everyone participates in rides, events, and the other face to face activities that let us REALLY interact and share our love of all things Concours.  WElcome to the mad house and I hope you stick around a good, long, life time.
Hi and welcome Chad,
I agree with what Rev said.  I have been out riding so sorry for the slow reply and welcome.  If you need anything or have questions let me know.  I am your COG area director.
WElcome to the COGdom.. You'll like it here!
I'm down in Houston. The COG is Planning a ride to Big Bend  and Hunt Texas in the spring.
Come ride with us....

Ride safe, Ted
I'm another newbie to the COG and it's forum.  Rode a  99 Connie from 00 until this year.  Would like to be able to say that I wore her out but you guys that ride the C10 know better.  Great bike but I wanted something new so took the plunge and bought a leftover 2010 C14 this spring.  Only have 5100 miles on her so far but I enjoying it so far.  My only tip to someone with even less miles on the C14- peel off those Bridgestones ASAP.  My new Michelins are so much better! Hope to meet some fellows riders in Eureka Springs next summer!
Welcome Scott,
You might get more welcomes if you start your own thread but it is no big deal.  Nice to have you here.
Thanks for the tip.  I appreciate it.  I think it will take me a little time to learn all the COG ropes.  :)