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Following close


Lesson learned

Going to the local mall this afternoon. I'm always wary of cars bunching up, following me or the cars in front of me. I was coming up behind two cars, slowing for a light, an 18 wheeler wanting to turn left in front of the two cars in front of me. I'm slowing down from 25 to 10 mph or so thinking the cars are going thru with the green light. Well the car closest to the 18 wheeler yields to the truck causing the car in front of me to jam on his brakes and that got my attention! I, too, thought all three of us would go thru the green - wrong! 

Only 'cause I had a good twenty feet btwn me and the car in front of me did I not have an interaction with a bumper on a Lexis.  Both brakes locked up for split second and I slid maybe five feet and no contact!

So, keep your distance even at slow speeds.

Phil, COG 5879

and I never follow in the center of the lane, or stop at a sign or light in the center of the lane. I always leave an escape route, even if it means coming up alongside the car in front of me. Steve