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For Sale: New XL Arai SZ/m helmet with new Sena Bluetooth Headset


Okay...Up for sale is one new XL Arai SZ/m with new Sena SMH10 Bluetooth Headset. Both are brand new. I installed the unit in the helmet last year and tested it outside of my garage. That is the most action that the helmet and the Sena unit have seen. I bought it thinking I really liked the idea of going wireless, but I don't ride with others that have the unit and just never used it. I find myself riding with guys with CB units, and I just always use my J&M setup. I do like the idea of going wireless, but I also like to be able to communicate with other riders in my group. I also decided that I really didn't care for the whole being able to use the cell phone feature that I thought I would really have to have when it first came out. So, that being said, I have over $380 in the helmet and over $200 in the Sena. If you are interested, you can have both of these for $425 shipped (inside the U.S.). Now, before you ask, I am not going to separate the two. Also, I'm not looking to barter or haggle. I know you will not find the same setup any cheaper. If you do and you're in the market, I'd buy it. If no one is interested, I'll just continue to let it set on the top shelf of my closet. Thanks for looking. I accept Paypal, money orders, and checks (ships once cleared).

Here are a few links for those of you that may not be familiar with either item:


