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Forum Time?


Replied to a post at about 9:30 EDT, forum said i made the post at 12:30 EDT?  Lots of posts from earlier in the day already said last post "yesterday", kind of tipped me off to there being something off. 

Just an FYI...  :-X
I see what your talking about. Must be another glitch. Colin!  :))

For people who have this problem normally, and want to correct it. You can set your forum profile for the time offset, to correct the time for your area.

-On the tool bar above, click on "profile".
-That will bring up a lower tool bar. On the second bar, click on "modify profile".
-That will bring up another menu. Click on "look and lay out".
-That will bring up the look and layout screen. Just above the top of the page is the "time offset". You can adjust your time by adding/subtracting hours to where you need to be. Once you make the change, remember to click on change profile at the bottom right of the page, when done.

Well since the time for the forum seems to be EST now. I changed my time offset to 0. Now my time is correct again!  :-*
Cap'n Bob said:
I see what your talking about. Must be another glitch. Colin!  :))

For people who have this problem normally, and want to correct it. You can set your forum profile for the time offset, to correct the time for your area.

-On the tool bar above, click on "profile".
-That will bring up a lower tool bar. On the second bar, click on "modify profile".
-That will bring up another menu. Click on "look and lay out".
-That will bring up the look and layout screen. Just above the top of the page is the "time offset". You can adjust your time by adding/subtracting hours to where you need to be. Once you make the change, remember to click on change profile at the bottom right of the page, when done.

For most people 'Auto Detect' will do it.