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Front forks and rear shock compression and rebound "ole fart" setting


I'm curious if there's someone out there that rides like me who has already figured out the compression and rebound settings for the front and rear suspension rather than me going through the complete "test dummy" phase.

I have a 2012 C14 with the front and rear suspension still set from the factory.  I am 200 pounds and ride like an ole fart.  To and from work and church riding, mostly highways at posted speeds.  I live in east Tennessee but really don't do any switchback riding.  So if anyone has figured out more of a touring suspension setting that would give me a starting point I'd appreciate the insight.


You do not have any compression damping settings but if you set the rebound damping 5 clicks from full hard on the forks and 1/2 turn from full hard on the shock you will be pretty close to as good as it gets.
Fred Harmon wrote an article in the Concourier a few issues ago in which he made recommendations for various weights.  A real time saver and, of course, very thorough.  You should be able to access the past issues from the member area.  I am also 200 lbs and I prefer about 14 clicks on rear rebound, 1 turn out on rear dampening, 12 mm on front rebound and 4 clicks out on front dampening for general touring. 