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Garmin Zumo 660


I picked up a Zumo 660 to replace a Streetpilot 2720 gps.  I'm wondering if those that use a gps use a bluetooth headset to hear the directions or not.

Which headset do you use?  Is it waterproof?  I was leaning toward the Sena 20S, but is is only "water-resistant".
I have the 665 also with the XM, run it through a Sena 20s. Love the Bluetooth! Speakers aren't really loud enough for the highway and suck when you talk on the phone. (Not used much, but nice to have) so I use the Shire SE215 monitors, love em. The rain hasn't bothered mine, and I would think they would cover them under warranty anyway.
Scala rider G9, Speakers are more than loud enough at 3/4 volume at any highway speed  :beerchug:
I have the 20S and do get directions from either my iPhone w/maps, or my Garmin GPS depending on the ride. For longer rides/tours, I use my Garmin to get directions via bluetooth / 20S. When I'm commuting or on a short ride, I'll use my phone to get directions. And the 20S holds up well so far in the Seattle rain, no issues so far. :)
Michael_Seubert_WI said:

Which headset do you use?  Is it waterproof?  I was leaning toward the Sena 20S, but is is only "water-resistant".
I have both Scala G9 and G9X. I am about to pull the trigger on a PackTalk set. Upgrading the Cardo speakers is easy also. usually I get about 13+ hours of talking/musinc time on a charge.
