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Gimme my #


Happened the the NW corner of Oregon.  Dad and I got stuck in a 5 mile traffic jam.  Literally were shutting the bikes off and Fred Flintoning the bikes it was so long.

Asked my new and trustless GPS to get us out of the mess.  Right away it finds a route through the residentials to get us back on track.  I follow it up a dead end road, and I am not kidding, a 10% grade.  I ride to the top hoping for an outlet.  Nothing.  I have 70 pounds worth of gear strapped to the back seat and trunk.  Me and my ego quickly say "I got this."

Starting at the 3 O'clock I begin a U turn counterclockwise.  By 10-11 O'clock she started to go.  By the time my foot hit the ground she was just above the ground and no way for me to catch the inevitable. 

I had the forethought not to get my leg pinched and rolled away from everything, never even bumped my helmet.

Nothing but scratched paint and rubbed plastic.  Thankfully nothing cracked or broke.  Hopped back on and rode another 3500 miles home.

Called my agent today.
I did a similar thing trying to escape the traffic on the Cades Cove loop in the GSMNP.  I should have known right away when a small stream crossed the road I was using.  Glad an inconvenience didn't turn into a disaster.  And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 516th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:

0512 C14 Mark Van Valkenburgh
0513 C14 Wesley Gammill
0514 C10 Tim Perry
0515 C10 John Toporowski
0516 C14 Todd Everetts

Laughing my tail off right now.  :rotflmao:

If I ever go for a vanity plate on my C14, I will request this number and bear it proudly.  Can't tell you how official this feels. :D

Bike goes into the shop tomorrow.