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GOING? Vancover MC Show Jan 24-27

Are you going to have a meeting spot/time at the show? Us locals may want to say hi.
Guess I shoulda read the OP again! Going to wear a COG shirt or something?
Not sure I want to put another 200+ miles on this tire: :-\


I should be getting a new rear tire put on this morning. If all goes as planned and the weather holds, I think I am up for a day trip!

Got a thing I need to be back home for around 5pm so I may have to head for home before the group, but timetable seems doable.
Looking fwd to seeing those who can make it.  :))
I have had a vacuum leak that I was sure was associated with the cruise control. After finding a break in one of the hoses connected to the intake vacuum port(s) I took a short 50 mi ride this afternoon. All seemed well and healed. I was experiencing a misfire type we usually asociaite with leaness but also the cc would lose mph up hills.
I do enjoy a mc that I can work on although some problems like this are the owner's fault.  :(
There is more than a little truth to that Charlie! However I have changed my ways after Darrell and Agusta (sp?) basically refused to ride with me and forced me to get a new rear a few years back down at Darrell's place.

I figure it ain't worth $20 (10% more wear on a $200 tire) to get stuck on the road with a flat (or worse!). Better to just put it on and ride worry free!

Show was good, bought a front wheel lift ($35) and oogled the Amsoil girls.  :-\

Oddly curious about a sign in the restroom however...
To my Canadian friends - is this warning really necessary? Do you often dip a cold one up out of the urinal when you need a refreshing drink?


  • DoNotDrink.JPG
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A very nice day, sunny. Cold with frost on the pumpkin when leaving Grahamcrackerville about 8:30 about sunrise. Maybe 50 when leaving the show. I had the hand muffs along with Gerbing heated gloves so hands were warm, plus heated insoles and jacket/w/sleeves. Wind chill still making toes cool so need to expand the Bakerwings down some.
Good to see LoneRider at designated Md's meetup.
Also met the COG Vancouver group at the lunch area.
Easy ride up, crossing over at Lynden. Only two cars ahead of us, about 3 going back.
I was impressed with the show and it is similar to the Seattle IMS with most all the mc mfg's present. I pretty much was most interested in the winter ride and need for a destination.
I bought a pillow. Ha.
Easy ride back. Wayne took off , me later about 2:45 and I was getting back at dark:30 to get ready for my Mitty square dance life.
